Thursday 30 April 2009

Keeping VAT Records

In general, you must keep the following VAT records:

  • Records of all the standard-rated, reduced-rated, zero-rated and exempt goods and services that you buy or sell.
  • Copies of all sales invoices you issue. Except: if you are a retailer you do not have to keep copies of any less detailed VAT invoices for items under £250 including VAT - unless your customer has asked for a VAT invoice.
  • All purchase invoices for items you buy.
  • All credit notes and debit notes you receive.
  • Copies of all credit notes and debit notes you issue.
  • Any self-billing agreements you make as a supplier.
  • Copies of self-billing agreements you make as a customer and name, address and VAT registration number of the supplier.
  • Records of any goods you give away or take from stock for your private use including rate and amount of VAT.
  • Records of any goods or services bought for which you cannot reclaim the VAT, such as business entertainment.
  • Any documents dealing with special VAT treatment, such as reliefs or zero-rating by certificate.
  • Records of any goods you export.
  • Records of any taxable self-supplies you make - for example if you sell cars and you use one of your cars in stock for business purposes.
  • Any adjustments such as corrections to your accounts or amended VAT invoices.
  • A VAT account, as outlined in the following section of this guide.

Further Information

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