Thursday 17 September 2009

Electronic and paper VAT records

As long as your VAT records meet the requirements laid down by HMRC, you can keep them in whatever format - paper and/or electronic - that you prefer. If you do keep all or part of your records on a computer or with a computer bureau, you must make sure that your records are easily accessible to you and to a VAT officer when they visit.

If you upgrade to a new computer system which is not compatible with your old system, you must make sure that the records held on your old system remain accessible for up to six years. If this is not possible, then you must make paper copies.

You can also keep your records on microfilm or microfiche, as long as you have received approval from HMRC and it is easy for VAT officers to view those records when they need to.

Find out what happens and what you need to do when a VAT officer comes to visit you

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